OUR PROGRAMS - Algonquin Longhouse

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Our Programs
of the Algonquin Longhouse, Inc. NFP

Buildng memories that last two lifetimes

We are a group of families in the Suburbs of Chicago that have joined together to celebrate and build upon the bonds with our children.

We offer different programs for children of all ages.  Our Guide and Princess Programs are recommended for elementary school age kids through middle school.  The Trailmates programs is designed to supplement with older kids in mind – no meetings and more challenging events (e.g. horseback riding, white water rafting, and paintball).

Under the Algonquin Longhouse Charter, our program is completely member owned and managed!

We volunteer our time to plan and attend fun events with our kids including campouts overnighters at museums, and other fun activities such as bowling, skating and pinewood derbies.

We invite you to join us.  You'll be glad you did!

For More Information on the Algonquin Longhouse Click Here

How the Algonquin Longhouse, Inc. NFP is organized

Algonquin Federation

Guide Program (Father and Son)  - Kickapoo Nation, and Phoenix Nation, Comanche Nation, Iroquois Nation,

Princess Program (Father and Daughter)  - Croix Nation, Prairie Nation , Sequoia Nation, Mighty Chickasaw, Huron Nation, Mohawk Nation, and Mohican Nation

Trails Program -  Trailmates


The 12 Nations are further subdivided into local tribes. Tribes typically meet once a month during the school year at a member's home.  

We'd love to hear from you to answer your questions, introduce you to our members and invite you to try out our programs.  Please join us for an event before you decide whether to join.  Most of us joined because someone invited us to a tribal meeting or a nation event, our kids had fun and we did too.


You can reach our organization by:


Email us at info@algonquinlonghouse.org

Snail mail at Algonquin Longhouse, Inc. NFP, P.O. Box 603, Palatine, IL 60078-0603

Voicemail at (847) 261-4113

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